Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Women and Heart Disease :: essays research papers fc
Ladies AND HEART DISEASE      Heart assaults and coronary illness is not, at this point considered an infection that influences just men. Ladies are in danger for these ailments as well. Truth be told, coronary illness is the main source of death among ladies. American ladies are bound to pass on from coronary illness than from bosom disease. It w3as said by the Texas Heart Institute that this ailment executes a larger number of ladies more than 65 than all malignant growths joined.      Many times ladies are more averse to endure a coronary failure than men are. The purpose for this could be that cardiovascular failure manifestations in ladies are now and again unique in relation to those accomplished by men. A lady having a cardiovascular failure may just feel torment in the arm or back, they may have some queasiness or wooziness. Brevity of inhale can likewise be a factor. Many hazard factors that add to coronary illness can be controlled. Stopping smoking, bringing down cholesterol and managing our circulatory strain are a few things we as a whole ought to consider.      Smoking is a main consideration for coronary illness. It brings down the great cholesterol, which thusly elevates the danger of coronary illness. Albeit smoking in this nation has been on the decrease in the previous years, the quantity of ladies who smoke has expanded. Fortunately regardless of to what extent somebody smokes the hazard can be immediately decreased by stopping.      Cholesterol levels are additionally identified with a person’s danger of coronary illness. Commonly cholesterol can be kept up by diet, while others may need to take drug to treat it. An examination announced by the American Journal of Cardiology found that HDL (high-thickness lipoprotein) levels were the most significant indicator of your heart wellbeing. The higher a woman’s HDL is the more uncertain she is to have heart issues.      Hypertension likewise referred to just as hypertension is a typical issue identified with coronary illness. At the point when an individual has hypertension, the heart needs to work more enthusiastically. It likewise accelerates the solidifying of the conduits (atherosclerosis). Albeit hypertension can't be relieved, it very well may be controlled with a sound eating regimen, practice and if important prescription      With ebb and flow measurements uncovering critical contrasts among people with coronary illness ladies in general, need to turn out to be progressively mindful.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Merits & Demerits of Utilizing Social Networks-Samples for Students
Question: Examine about the Merits and bad marks of using Social Networks in Business. Answer: Presentation Long range interpersonal communication alludes to the activity of utilizing informal organizations for different purposes. Informal communities, then again, are sites and stages that are utilized to share thoughts and join individuals of a similar intrigue (Edosomwan Prakasan, 2016). They are likewise called virtual network or web based life. Instances of these informal communities incorporate; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, My Space, Bebo, Instagram, among numerous others. The vast majority of the effective organizations on the planet utilize internet based life. This is on the grounds that the majority of the individuals can be effectively reached, by means of informal organizations. At the point when utilized shrewdly, organizations collect more benefits. The other way around is additionally evident. Informal organizations are stages which need great showcasing techniques for organizations to flourish well. As indicated by (Jussila et al., 2014), about 1.3 million organizations in t he make utilize interpersonal organizations to showcase their items. Affixed to this report is an examination of the use of informal communities in substance and subcontinents of the world. This legitimizes informal organizations are basic instruments to be concentrated most definitely. There are numerous focal points which result from the usage of these stages. Notwithstanding, there are additionally a few drawbacks of utilizing the. Coming up next are the venture goals of this task report. Undertaking targets Goals set the fundamental focal point of any exploration paper. This report has its base on the accompanying explicit, feasible and quantifiable, targets. To recognize the upsides of utilizing informal organizations in business. To state and clarify the burdens of using interpersonal organizations in business. To give recommendations on what ought to be accomplished for organizations to viably utilize informal organizations in business. Venture scope The venture contemplates the significant focal points and drawbacks of utilizing social stages in business. It totally covers a writing audit the benefits of utilizing online life in the business association. The detriments of the equivalent are still clarified in detail beneath. The undertaking report utilizes auxiliary information, acquired from articles, books, and diaries. In any case, a few sources which appear to be inconsistent have been overlooked in this report. Just those sources which have significant and solid data have been utilized. The report is explicitly on benefits, negative marks, and some pertinent proposals via web-based networking media utilization in business, and not person to person communication when all is said in done. A nitty gritty writing audit is as depicted underneath. Writing audit Numerous specialists, researchers, and advertisers have investigated, broke down information and distributed generally on interpersonal organizations. Some have even gone further to make an examination of the focal points and detriments of using web based life in business. As per (Stelzner, 2014), there are more than 1 million books, articles, and diaries distributed about these benefits and faults. A portion of these have been utilized to gather this report.There are a few focal points which result from use of interpersonal organizations in business. To begin with, informal communities fill in as significant apparatuses for advancement. Advancement incorporates all angles which target making more deals and augmenting benefits. Advancement is principally done through promoting. Advertisers can promote progressively, using the present social stages. This empowers them to get direct and solid information for advertise analysis(Tiago Verssimo, 2014). Advertisements are additionally generally utilized in interpersonal organizations as advancement apparatuses. Advertisements are presently structured adverts which are sure about the data they convey. Most business associations remember joins for their advertisements. These connections are helpful since they control a potential and intrigued client, to the business site where more data about the advertisement is found. Organizations can, in this manner, select to publicize interpersonal organizations in the event that they mean to make more benefits. Besides, informal organizations help organizations to accumulate client bits of knowledge and encounters (Whiting Williams, 2013)(Kaplan Haenlein, 2013). Clients for the most part have their own perspectives on an organization's item. Others have just utilized results of specific organizations, and have an encounter of utilizing such items. These sorts of clients, in this manner, convey significant data with them, which is critical to makers and business undertakings. For any business to assess its exhibition, it needs to put client encounters and bits of knowledge into thought. Through interpersonal organizations, organizations gather data, break down it and make pertinent recommendations on where enhancements ought to be made. Such systems, consequently, will in general be exceptionally favorable to organizations. Thirdly, the use of interpersonal organizations assists with building consciousness of a brand and make clients faithful to that specific brand. For any business association to get fruitful in the whole work advertise, it must have a brand name. This is a name that is fixed on the results of a specific organization and which empowers a business association to showcase its items. The brand name may likewise bear the brand logo. To make more deals, organizations first make their brands known to the general population, for instance through promoting. This activity of making a brand name mainstream and known to general society is alluded to as making brand awareness(Dijkmans et al., 2015). At the point when potential clients become mindful of a specific brand, they are bound to buy from that brand, this collects the objective organization eminent increment in benefits. In the event that the clients feel good and happy with the items in the wake of encountering them, they are probably goi ng to buy much more, from a similar brand. Furthermore, they may even welcome their companions and family members to buy from a similar brand. By so doing, they are said to have created client reliability. Nike is a genuine case of a business association which has tried this idea. In 2013, Nike made over 30% of its benefits from social networks(Habibi et al., 2014). This was after it profoundly wandered on informal communities to make brand mindfulness. It enormously publicized through Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. Inside a limited capacity to focus time, the brand name Nike spread to numerous pieces of the world. Today, pretty much every country has an item from Nike Company. Clients got faithful and Nike made a great deal of benefits Also, the use of interpersonal organizations helps in the positioning of organizations. The higher a business is positioned, the more well known it becomes and henceforth, the more deals it makes. All these exercises finally, target expanding benefits. Organizations are positioned by two significantly known models, that is, positioning via search, and through web traffic (Hays et al., 2013).When a business enormously uses online networking, and its name is referenced practically day by day. This assists with improving hunt positioning and web traffic. The likelihood of making more deals is high when a business is positioned profoundly. For instance, one of the profoundly positioned media transmission organizations in Australia is TPG Telkom. As indicated by an exploration completed by (Okazaki Taylor, 2013), this organization utilizes informal organizations to arrive at the practically all residents in that nation and convey its administrations to every social class as per their need . Informal communities, hence, are acceptable stages to improve the positioning of organizations. Additionally, informal organizations help the business association to painstakingly examine their rivals. For what it's worth in the market, rivalry ever exists. Rivalry for the most part emerges when organizations sell a similar kind of item (Culnan et al., 2015). At the point when an organization sets aside the effort to consider its rivals, through interpersonal organizations, it may contend well with such contenders. For instance, a business undertaking may decide to change its product offering or use item variety to avoid hardened rivalry. On item variety, the business may decide to fabricate appropriate and sell items with hues, sizes, surface and valuing ideas, which are unique in relation to those of its rivals. Moreover, interpersonal organizations make it conceivable business association to share data, thoughts, rules, and updates effectively and quicker. From the meaning of an informal community, plainly it includes uniting individuals to one stage. It is along these lines simple to speak with clients through a channel which they can without much of a stretch be available. Enormous business associations speak with their current and potential clients by means of their pages in web based life (Subrahmanyam et al., 2013). Through this social pages and social gatherings, clients can get refreshes, present their objections and complaints; give positive proposals and different business related remarks. Through interpersonal organizations, data moves to focused clients effectively and in a quick way. Notwithstanding the above-talked about points of interest, web based life additionally causes business associations to make and keep up solid and durable associations with their clients. Organizations keep up their clients through different ways. One of these ways is through enticing correspondence. Business undertakings use informal organizations to react to clients objections in an amenable and convincing way. This assists with building great connections between the two gatherings. After influential correspondence, a messed up connection among clients and business can be taken back to presence. Different divisions in business likewise utilize convincing correspondence to fabricate great associations with clients. A genuine model is the travel industry division in the Delta Airline Company. Prepared work force utilize interpersonal organizations, to acutely search for potential travelers sincerely. Their endeavors are effective as a rule. Delta Airlines transports voyagers forward a nd backward various goals as they make the most of their movement in the easily planned plane seats(Hudson et al., 2016). This comes I
Thursday, August 6, 2020
In Their Own Words (Part 2)
In Their Own Words (Part 2) Continuing my last entry with even more tales of what my friends and fraternity brothers are doing this summer. Lawrence Barriner 11 (Course 6, of Skullhouse, formerly of Senior Haus): This summer I will be an intern at the Love At Work (LAW) missions camp. The camp, founded in 1993 by Killearn United Methodist Church in Tallahassee, Florida, began as an effort to provide repairs and basic necessities to homes of impoverished families in Gretna, Florida. Over time the project evolved into a multi-dimensional effort to help the residents of Gretna in all areas of life, not just housing. LAWs core mission is now the encouragement of spiritual growth in youth through service to others. The people of Gretna have repeatedly expressed their undying gratitude to the kids who roll in every summer to help us out. As I stated earlier, I will be staffing as an intern at LAW this summer. More specifically, I will be the multimedia specialist. I will be responsible for filming the work being done on each job site and the participants of the camp interacting with the local families and children. I will also be responsible for managing the technological aspects of the fellowship session each night (slide show, video editing, sound equipment, etc) and managing the camp website. On a more personal note, this camp means a lot to me (and that is an understatement if Ive ever seen one), as Ive attended LAW as a camper since I was able to and it has changed my life each and every time Ive gone. I am ecstatic to come back to LAW as an intern to glorify God and to show children that mission work doesnt have to be done across the world because there are areas in our own country that need help too. Harrison Bralower 11 (Course 2, of Putz): Im working in the Media Labs Tangible Media Group on a new version of their flagship musicBottles demo. Its pretty much an art pieceyou have these glass bottles sitting on a pretty glass plate and theyre RFID-tagged (and theres an antenna sitting in a pan that holds up the glass plate). When you take out the stopper from the bottle music plays, which releases the music trapped inside the bottles. Apparently this demo has been constructed several thousand times so officially its musicBottles 3.0 but its more like version 9 or 10. Eventually Ill probably be done with that and will work on other Tangible stuff, or so I hear. Emily Conn 11 (Course 2, of Simmons): Im off to be a girl scout camp counselor in Plymouth, MA Ive always wanted to go to summer camp. Im excited to work with the girls and besides all the traditional camp activities, Im particularly looking forward to a program on roller coasters: campers learn about the engineering behind them, ride them, and build a model of one themselves. Little do my campers suspect that they may actually be in for a crash course on some of 8.01yay! Caroline Figgatt 11 (Course 8, of Senior Haus): Im spending the summer UROPing on campus, working in a lab in the Center for Ultracold Atoms (a part of MITs RLE). The CUA is headed up by 2001 Physics Nobel laureate Wolfgang Ketterle, whose office and lab are just down the hall from my lab. My UROP advisor is Prof. Martin Zwierlein, an assistant professor who was my TA for 8.012 during the fall semester. Over IAP, I attended a number of lectures put on by the Physics Department. One of them was given by Martin; afterwards, I asked him if hed be interested in a UROP student for the summer, and a few days later I got an email from him confirming that yes, he would love to have me and had stuff for me to do. Lo and behold, I had a summer job. So far, that stuff has consisted of building components, mostly boxes containing electronics of various sorts. Ive only been working for a week and already Ive built a 15V power supply, an integrated power supply with three different voltage options, a light sensor, and started working on a temperature controller for a laser. Its pretty fun; Im getting a lot of experience soldering and cutting holes of various sizes in metal sheets. Martin (yes, were on a first-name basis :D) and my grad students have been feeding me theory along the way, too. The ultimate goal of my UROP is to help construct these components so that they can be put together to form a laser array that will cool atoms to mere millionths of a Kelvin; after that, evaporative cooling takes over and reduces the temperature further to only a few billionths of a Kelvin, hopefully inducing the atoms to form a Bose-Einstein condensate. Logistically speaking, Im working full-time (40 hours a week), and hours are flexible; when youre working in a lab where the grad students and prof tend to work from about 10am to 12am or later, they really arent too inclined to be especially strict about timing. Ive elected to work a pretty regular schedule of 10am to 6pm, Mon-Fri. This works nicely because I can go straight from lab to Z-Center to do the days weightlifting workout for varsity track, and then go home and have dinner afterwards. I also elected to get paid for this UROP by the UROP office (as opposed to receiving credit), so theyre giving me $9/hour, which is campus minimum wage. The people in my lab are all fantastic; Martin is good-natured to the bone and genuinely passionate about his work, and both characteristics are quite contagious. His graduate students Andre, Christoph, Cheng, and a few others are all very nice people. Besides the interesting mix of hands-on components engineering and physics theory, the summer is also proving to be an interesting experience because not only am I the only woman in my lab, Im also the only American and the only native English speaker (Martin, Andre and Chris are all German, and Cheng is Chinese). So Ive also been helping Cheng learn the grammatical difference between work and job, and explaining to Martin and Chris that although that plastic-y stuff around a wire does indeed isolate it from electrical charge, the word they really want is insulation. Also, Im cat-sitting for the worlds most adorable little tabby. I shall miss Kiki dearly when I must return her to her proper human at the end of the summer, a fellow Senior Haus resident and 11 who is out of town for the summer. But till then, I shall enjoy having a cute, friendly, snuggly kitty. =) Laurie Hakes 11 (Courses 5 and 8, of Senior Haus): This summer I am being awesome. Luckily, in addition to this full-time job, my powers of awesomeness allow me to also: play frisbee with my dog; go rafting; work at my hometowns local observatory part-time (We have one 16-inch scope that we use to take pictures of interesting objects, like globular clusters, nebulae, galaxies, and other Messier objects. My job is to run the imaging software, operate the telescope, process photos (learning how tomorrow), and keep people company (who wants to be alone at 2 am in the middle of nowhere?). Ill be sending you some processed photos soon; they are the shiznit); see movies with my peeps (Ive seen Prince Caspian and Iron Man already, and Ive only been home for a week. Next stop: Indiana Jones); buy glasses (OMG MY NEW FRAMES ARE SUPA-FLY); read (HP7 today, but Im planning on getting through Hardys Far From the Madding Crowd and Hofstadters Godel, Escher, Bach before going back to Beantown, and hopefully The Feynman Lectures before the summer is out); live at Fenway House for the summer; work full-time in Dr. Fields lab when I return to Boston in mid-June (Theyre studying metastable triplet species of acetylene, which are really cool because their lifetime is long enough to allow them to undergo collisions/energy transfers, unlike their singlet species counterparts which fluoresce before they can do anything interesting. Basically, there are LASERS and VACUUMS involved, so I was on board); hang with my peeps in Boston. Angel Irizarry 09 (Course 6, of Skullhouse): Ill be doing a software engineering internship at Intuit in Boston. Grace Kane 11 (Course 2, of Fenway House, formerly of Tetazoo): Unfortunately, nothing more exciting than Being In Scotland. Which would I suppose be exciting and awesome if I didnt, yknow, live there. Hope youre having a good summer. Try not to spend all of it blogging. :P Liz Maroon 10 (Course 12, of Burton Two): I recently went to an orientation for my NOAA Hollings scholarship in Silver Spring, Maryland, last week. It was fun; I met with the other scholarship recipients (mostly majors in meteorology, atmospheric science, environmental science, and related fields) from all across the country. We listened to NOAA officials discuss various work that NOAA does in anticipation of the NOAA internship well receive in summer 2009. (I could be working anywhere from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, to Norman, Oklahoma, to Hawaii in any NOAA site. :D) Im home this week chilling and finally catching up on sleep. In a week Im heading to Dayton, Ohio, where Ive got an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates think of it as an NSFt-funded UROP) at Wright State University. As for exactly what Im doingwellIll find out soon! Louis Perna 09 (Course 16, of Skullhouse): Im in Pasadena, CA (just outside LA) working at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. My job is to take flight hardware for Mars Science Laboratory (the next rover being sent to Mars) and test it to make sure it will hold up in space and on the Red Planet. I spend most of my day in a clean room with the actual rover parts and with exact duplicates (for testing). I really like it! Shawn Westerdale 11 (Course 8 and 22, of Random Hall): Ill be working on a UROP with Peter Fisher and Jocelyn Monroe. The group Im working with goes by The MIT Dark Matter Group. Basically, were working to detect dark matter. The part that I am specifically working on is related to finding the z-axis projection of the dark matter through the detector. I will be programming part of the detector to reconstruct the tracks, and I will putting the different parts together so that they can all communicate properly (basically getting the data acquisition set up and running). This should help us weed out background noise in the detector and also give us a good understanding of the path of the dark matter wind through the detector (along with where it might be coming from).
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Bachelor Degree in Management Making a Career Out of Project Management 2019
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is currently developing the James Webb Space Telescope, a piece of equipment with over 400 technical requirements. The intended mission of the telescope is to circle the earth more than 1 million miles away and record facts about the expanding universe. Completing this surreal task requires the expertise of a project manager. This type of management goes far beyond conventional bachelor degree in management careers like retail management. What is a Project Manager? The position of project manager was recently profiled in the Occupational Outlook Quarterly from the Department of Labor. Bachelor degree in management graduates may serve as project managers for everything from planning an annual awards ceremony to designing a new company product. Management degree graduates who work as project managers have the responsibility of providing direction for an assigned project while balancing the time, money, and scope involved in the venture. .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc:active, .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .udd5adc931f613eb57ae988f63712d5dc:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Computer Programming - What is itAlthough projects vary widely throughout the profession, the central process for project management involves setting goals, creating a plan, monitoring progress, and, lastly, wrapping up the final details required for completion of the project. During the course of the project, the project manager facilitates efficient work by maintaining good communication among team members and upper management. Some bachelor degree in management graduates act as project managers within the scope of a job description, while other business management degree graduates fashion an entire career out of project management. Required Education to be a Project Manager According to the Department of Labor, project managers typically must have a bachelor degree in management or another discipline related to the job in order to enter the profession. Training in subjects such as team building, risk management, and planning can be helpful. Completing courses in the specific industry one plans to enter can also be useful in gaining a competitive edge in the employment market. .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe:active, .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u4c2e989e13219c8c38aeeb75b9c46efe:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Sociology Degree A Jumpstart to a Management Career or a First Step to Becoming a SociologistThe Project Management Institute website contains more information related to being a project manager. PMI also has helpful information for students looking to attain a degree, finacial aid, or credentials in Project Management at http://www.pmiteach.org/student_resources/. For an extensive list of available bachelor degree in management programs, prospective students may visit College-Pages.com, the education and career resource website. Related ArticlesBachelor Business Degree in Management USAID Offers International Business Careers to GraduatesOhio Colleges and Universities Pursuing Online and Campus Based Education in Ohio, the Buckeye StateBachelor Business Administration Degree Online Learn What it Takes to Be a Chief Information OfficerCareer Overview College Admissions RecruiterCareer overview Retention Specialist CounselorConsider Earning Your Criminal Justice Degree Online
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Tisiphone the Greek Goddess
Tisiphone is one of the Furies or Erinyes in Greek mythology. Tisiphone is the avenger of murder. Her name means voice of revenge. The Erinyes were formed when the blood of Uranus fell on Gaia when the son of Uranus, Cronus, killed him. The Furies pursued particularly heinous criminals and drove them mad. Their most famous victim was Orestes, whose crime was matricide. The names of the other Erinyes were Alecto and Megaera. Characteristics In the Eumenides, the tragedy by Aeschylus about the Erinyes and Orestes, the Erinyes are described as dark, not quite women, not quite Gorgons (Medusas), featherless, with rheumy eyes and partial to blood. (The Appearance of Aeschylus Erinyes, by P. G. Maxwell-Stuart. Greece Rome, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 81-84) Jane E. Harrison (September 9, 1850 - April 5, 1928) says the Erinyes at Delphi and elsewhere were ancestral ghosts, who later became detached ministers of divine vengeance. The Erinyes are the dark aspect of the benevolent Eumenides -- the angry ghosts. (Delphika.-(A) The Erinyes. (B) The Omphalos, by Jane E. Harrison. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 19, pp. 205-251) It is also claimed that Eumenides is a euphemism for the Erinyes.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
New York Times vs. Sullivan Free Essays
Issue: Does Freedom of Speech protect a newspaper when it makes false defamatory statements about the conduct of a public official if the statements were not made with knowing or reckless disregard for the actual facts? The holding does not match the issue. If the fourteenth amendment is going to be incorporated in the holding, then it has to be in the issue. Also, the issue needs to be posted in a constitutional way. We will write a custom essay sample on New York Times vs. Sullivan or any similar topic only for you Order Now  For example: By not requiring Sullivan to prove that the advertisement personally harmed him and dismissing the same as untruthful due to factual errors, did Alabama’s libel law unconstitutionally infringe on the First Amendments freedom of speech and freedom of press protections? Statement of the Facts: The New York Times published a full page ad soliciting funds to defend Martin Luther King, Jr. In the ad were accusations of brutal force employed by the Montgomery police force against King’s followers. L.B. Sullivan, the police commissioner at the time, claimed the ad maligned his character. He sued for, and won, damages from the lower court. The Holding/Decision of the Court: The Court held that the First and Fourteenth amendments protected a publisher from libel only if the false and derogatory statements were not made with knowing or reckless disregard for the truth. Reasons/Rationale: The Court made its decision based on three closely-related facts: †¢ First, the commercial nature of the advertisement; †¢ Second, the existence of actual malice; and, †¢ Finally, the tendency for the alleged libel to be connected to the plaintiff. The New York Times was paid to publish the ad. However the fact that it was a paid advertisement does not make it a ‘commercial ad’ in that it waives constitutional guarantees of Freedom of Speech. To consider it as such would discourage newspapers from accepting â€Å"editorial advertisements†which would have a dangerous tendency to shut out this form of information promulgation. Furthermore, it would curtail freedom of speech and shackle those who do not own publications. This would be in violation of the First Amendment, which aims to secure â€Å"the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources†. There was no actual malice in this case although negligence can be ascribed to the NY Times for not exercising due diligence in ensuring the facts published. The paper had merely published a paid advertisement. The publisher cannot be accused of knowingly publishing falsehoods. Being a public official, Commissioner Sullivan had to accept the reality that his work would be under constant scrutiny. A higher level of proof is necessary to prove that the defendant printed material with intent to malign Sullivan’s character, especially since the alleged criticism was about his official functions as the police commissioner. Finally, the alleged libelous ad did not bear any mention of his name. While the ad criticized the activities and â€Å"brutality of the police†, there was never any direct mention of Sullivan or the office of the police commissioner. It could not then be said that the ad was a directed, defamatory and malicious attack upon him. In fact, the acts described in the ad – the padlocking of the dining hall, among others – were not even directly ascribed to the police, much less the police commissioner. On a side note, there is even suggestion that the commissioner manifested a guilty conscience in respect of the acts protested in the ad. The court therefore ruled in favor of freedom of speech over the right of a public official to defend himself from attack. Such cases have often been cited as jurisprudence to justify the level of criticism that can be inflicted on a government official. For acts related to his official functions, there is virtually no limit to the attacks that can be levied so long as they are not done with reckless disregard for the facts. Justice Black concurs on the basis that the 1st and 14th amendments do not merely delimit a state’s power to award damages to officials for criticism of their official conduct but completely prohibits a state from exercising this power. He is of the opinion that the defendants had an absolute constitutional right to publish their criticisms regardless of whom they were aimed at. It is regrettable that the court stopped short of a holding unequivocally protecting our free press. Justice Goldberg concurs on the privilege to criticize official conduct, despite the harm which may flow from excesses and abuses and consistent with the prized American right â€Å"to speak one’s mind†. How to cite New York Times vs. Sullivan, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Shakespeare’S Time Essay Paper Example For Students
Shakespeare’S Time Essay Paper I am directing the scene where big changes take place between Katherina and Petruchios relationship as husband and wife. Katherinas behaviour changes radically now that she is married to Petruchio and it seems so strange judging by her manner in the previous scenes. It is out of the ordinary because we are used to hearing the couple quarrel and contradict over everything. This takes place in the scenes before when Petruchio is determined to tame his wife by doing all sorts of cruel things to her such as, starving and depriving Katherina from her sleep all to break her spirit. However she stood up for herself by arguing with frustration so we will definitely notice a turning point. I am curious to know whether she is really tamed by Petruchio or is she just playing along. When Vicentio appears in the scene, it becomes quite amusing and humorous as Petruchio describes him as a heavenly young lady to see how Katherinas will react to this. We also anticipate on what will happen when Vicentio arrives in Padua and finds out someone is claiming to be the father of his son. To direct act 4 Scene 5 I will need to look for the important lines starting with Katherina saying, The moon? The sun! It is not the moonlight now, to make the audience understand she is shocked and puzzled by what Petruchio has said, she must emphasise the word moon followed by a pause and then use a reassuring voice to say the sun. When she says now she must also try to use some emphasise to show the audience shes positive it isnt moonlight now. Her posture and tone of voice will make it obvious to the audience that she is aware of his stupidity. It would be best if she stood with her weight on one leg one and hands on her waist. Her position shows she doesnt want to tolerate this ludicrous conversation and shows she is beginning to get annoyed. However she turns to face the audience raising and rolling her eyes so they have a better understanding of her astonishment after listening to what he had said. Petruchio answers back to Katherina with I say it is the moon that shines so bright. He should remain calm and try to show who is boss by keeping to his word. He must emphasise the word moon by raising his voice to sound confident and sure about his claim. Katherina is eager to make him understand that it is the sun and not the moon, so she tries to change his statement I know it is the sun that shines so bright. In this quote we notice her old personality coming out because she should pronounce this with her volume increasing so we know she is clearly disagreeing and hear the anger seep through her voice. Her wording sounds more convincing because she says I know whereas Petruchio uses I say, this shows us she is more certain than he is. When Petruchio says, it shall be moon or star or what I list he should sound serious but unruffled and sustain his confidence to make us think he is always right without hesitation. Perhaps he is trying to find a way to baffle Katherina so she loses her confidence and makes him look of a higher status. However hearing Katherina argue with his decision bursts his bubble of tolerance. This makes him threaten to take her back, Go on and fetch our horses back again. He says this to the servant so Petruchio should sound in charge and almost like he is taking his anger out on them by shouting and possibly hitting and shoving him. I think his reaction is aimed to make Katherina feel guilty and regret what she said so in order to make things better for the both of them the audience already know she must agree with what he says. .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .postImageUrl , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:hover , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:visited , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:active { border:0!important; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:active , .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683 .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u228e8d36dd9a29d963593aa59fd23683:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How did Shakespeare raise and build up Tension in the plays ? EssayKatherina does this by trying to set things straight and make him reconsider, be it moon or sun or what you please. Here is where the new Katherina comes out. There is a change in her attitude as she agrees to follow whatever Petruchio says. Could this be one of her methods to get what she wants or does this show the audience the taming has shown some effect on her? I think she knows what she must achieve for her to be treated in a human way and the only reason she is bothering to play along with Petruchio is because it is the only way for them to get along and their marriage to work. I also believe she has realised that as a woman in Shakespeares time she needs to sort out her attitude and begin to act like a well behaved woman. This goes back in the previous scenes where the men criticize her and make fun of her ever getting married, to cart her rather! Shes too rough, no mates for you unless you were of gentler. It is unfair if we think about it today because no woman should have to stand up with the kind of torture Petruchio gave but in those days it was good discipline for the husband to tame a wife like that. An audience watching today could find his actions against the woman offending. On the other hand this is only because nowadays women have rights unlike Shakespeares times. Whilst talking to Petruchio she should show a face full of warmth and affection. To make it sound more believable and reassuring she should use hand gesture by pointing to an imaginary moon and the sun, without caring what others may think about her foolish response. What she says might make some of the audience think she is crazy but conversely they may be baffled because all of a sudden she sounds and acts so assured. I say it is the moon declares Petruchio. I know it is the moon approves Katherina. The word know should be stressed to prove she is finally showing she is wrong and he is right. Petruchio changes the plot, nay then you lie, it is the blessed sun, making her look like the blind one. The audience may find her easygoing broad-mindedness useless because both ways they havent come to a settlement yet. It looks to me like Petruchio enjoys watching Katherina being humiliated because he has embarrassed her several times in the play. Foe instance on their wedding day Petruchio arrived now only late to the wedding but dressed in ridiculous and inappropriately for the wedding. In Shakespeares time women had the lower status and the man was always better, so Katherina could just be playing along to get a role in society and show people she can change from the shrew she used to be to an obedient wife. I think getting married has made a big difference to the way she is now and a man like Petruchio was the best match for her since he is stubborn and impolite like Katherina he also likes to show hes which reflects to her behaviour, so their personalities do have similarities. We see this in the scenes where Petruchio challenges her intellectually. I think he was also the one who stole her heart when they first met because he was the only man who had wooed her, which you could tell she enjoyed, I see thy beauty, ill you, nill you Next Vicentio enters and when Petruchio sees him there is a humiliating reaction towards Vicentio when Petruchio acts as if he is a woman. Katherina decides it would be best if she plays along with him to show she is still on his side like a wife was expected to be in those days, so she describes him beautifully, young budding virgin, fresh and sweet so fair a child and so on. She does her best to exaggerate how Vicentio looks by saying the opposite to everything he is. The way she portrays Vicentio is bizarre and awkward because he is an elderly man who does not show much beauty at all, this makes the play seem very amusing. She must try to make herself sound as real as possible but the audience would be much aware that she is only doing it for Petruchios sake and play-acting. .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .postImageUrl , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:hover , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:visited , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:active { border:0!important; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:active , .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7 .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0d32d5bb83f2f3bbde2de876752567e7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pictorial Narratives - Time and Tales EssayPetruchio humiliates Katherina again by correcting her pretence, This is a man and not maiden. As thou sayst he is. Katherina does not give up, she turns to look at Vicentio and apologises to him like she had no clue, pardon, old father, my mistaken eyes she says this in a sorrowful voice to prove her attitude has not changed and she respects the old man as he is. She should walk up to him with a misguided look on her face and tap her hand on her forehead to let them know she was in the wrong. That have been bedazzled with the sun whilst saying this she turns to look at Petruchio to check whether he has changed his mind again but since Petruchio does not say otherwise, she continues. Pardon I pray thee, for my mad mistaking. She maintains her apologetic side to make up for her misunderstand. I think this scene is like a resolution for both of them because they learn how to co-operate with each other and Katherina accepts that they need to work together in a civil way to get what she wants and avoid the harsh taming again. Overall I can say Petruchios clever scheme to tame Katherina paid off in the end because she managed to fight off her old spiteful, discourteous self and turn to a more pleasant and gentle wife, so in the end the both gained something out of it.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
ADD/ADHD Essays - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADD/ADHD Factual Data Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) refers to a group of symptoms that begin in infancy and can continue into adulthood, causing difficulties for people at home, at school, at their jobs, and within their communities. The severity of symptoms varies among people with ADHD. Some people have difficulty with overactivity (hyperactivity), while others have difficulty remembering, thinking, making judgments, and solving problems. The most common symptom of ADHD is difficulty remaining focused on a task until it is completed. People with ADHD have a hard time completing tasks that are boring, repetitive, or difficult for them. Many people with ADHD have trouble controlling their impulses. Impulsiveness usually continues into adulthood and often interferes with keeping a job and developing personal relationships. Although most people with ADHD do not appear overactive, they may often feel restless or be outwardly fidgety. ADHD is often associated with other conditions, such as learning disabilities and behavioral problems. The symptoms of these conditions are often mistaken for symptoms of ADHD. Before the greatest benefit from ADHD treatment can be achieved, any other conditions should be identified and treated. The person who has an attention deficit hyperactive disorder with no other conditions tends to do better in school and to get along better with other people than the person who has ADHD with other conditions. ADHD (with or without other conditions) may lead to anxiety or depression, poor school performance, and problems with social behavior. The exact cause of attention deficit hyperactive disorder is not known. There is evidence that ADHD is an inherited disorder. Studies have shown that about 30% - 40% of children with ADHD come from families in which other members have the disorder. Siblings of children who have ADHD are twice as likely to have ADHD as siblings of children who do not have ADHD. Another possible cause of ADHD is an abnormal functioning of the chemical systems within the brain. Studies indicate that people with ADHD may not have enough of the brain chemical called dopamine and too much of the brain chemical norepinephrine. It is also thought that ADHD may be caused by abnormal functioning of part of the brain. Areas of the prefrontal lobe in people with ADHD appear different from these areas in people who do not have ADHD. Some other causes of ADHD include, alcohol or other drug use during pregnancy, problems during delivery that cause injury to the brain, Infections that cause brain damage, and poor nutrition during the baby's first year of life Contrary to a widespread belief among parents and many child-care workers, most ADHD is rarely caused by food allergies. A few studies suggest that a few children may benefit from diet changes, especially children younger than 5. However, diet restrictions are beneficial in the treatment of ADHD in only rare cases. Having a child follow a restricted diet may create conflict within the family and actually take attention away from beneficial treatment methods. Diet does not contribute to the symptoms of ADHD, but children who have allergies might be better able to deal with ADHD if they avoid the foods they are allergic to. The symptoms of attention deficit hyperactive disorder include difficulty maintaining attention, or having an attention span that is shorter than expected for a person's age. A person with a short attention span can be easily distracted. Children with ADHD often concentrate well on activities that do not tax their attention, such as television or computer games. They may become so involved in these activities that it is hard to redirect their attention. Children with ADHD have a difficult time with tasks that require attention to detail and that take a long time to complete, such as model building. Another symptom is difficulty controlling impulses, it can cause a person to do dangerous things without thinking about the consequences. Temper outbursts may be extreme and may occur without reason. This symptom is highly likely to continue into adulthood. When a child with ADHD is in a busy environment, such as in a grocery store, he or she often becomes distracted and reacts by pulling items off the shelves, hitting people, or acting silly. In school children with ADHD have
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Complete List of Performing Arts Colleges in California
Complete List of Performing Arts Colleges in California SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If the stage calls your name, and you are interested in pursuing a degree in one of the performing arts (theatre/dance/music) in California, this article is for you. I have compiled a comprehensive list of all of the universities and conservatory programs in California that offer performing arts degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate’s). How to use this article I recommend using this article as a jumping off point to do more research on which performing arts schools are right for you.If you need help with how to identify What College Should You Go To? How to Choose a College, check out our other article.Consider what you are looking for in a performing arts college: Are you looking for a conservatory? Or are you looking at a program at a four-year university with other non-art related majors? Do you want to be in a city or a small town? Do you want a big or small program? Do you want a BA, BM or BFA? MA or MFA? How much can you afford to spend? Will you get financial aid? In this article, I will list every school, location, tuition price, and degree programs offered.I am only including schools that offer Bachelor’s Degrees or higher.I have included the degrees because the schools offered varied performing arts degrees (this way you can find the school that offers the degree you want). Each school offers a slightly different curriculum for their specific performing arts degree, so I encourage you to click on the links for the major to explore the curriculum for that specific program at that school. First, here is the list of schools (scroll further down for the list of schools plus the location, tuition price, and degree information): American Academy of Dramatic Arts American Conservatory Theater California Institute of the Arts CSU, Chico CSU, Fresno CSU, Fullerton CSU, Long Beach CSU, LA CSU, Northridge CSU, Stanislaus Humboldt State University San Diego State University San Francisco State University San Jose State University Stanford University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine UCLA University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz University of San Diego University of Southern California List of Performing Arts School in California in Alphabetical Order American Academy of Dramatic Arts Location: Los Angeles, CA Tuition: $29,900 per year Degree Programs: Associate of Occupational Studies: Two-Year Program Certificate of Advanced Studies in Acting: For Third Year, after completing Associate BA or BFA Degree: offered in conjunction with these universities St. John's University: students who complete their two-year AOS (Associate in Occupational Studies) degree may transfer up to 60 credits toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Television and Film Studies at St. John’s University. Hunter College: Students entering Hunter with an AOS degree from The Academy will receive 27 credits toward a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre at Hunter College. Antioch University Los Angeles: Academy students can enter Antioch with as much as half of their coursework toward a BA in Acting and Dramatic Arts degree completion. Students who complete one year at The Academy may also transfer their coursework credits of C- or better. The Academy Alumni are also eligible to participate under the terms of this agreement. Oklahoma City University: Students complete the full-time Conservatory Program at The Academy in New York City or Los Angeles and transfer to OCU in Oklahoma City for their last two years to receive a BFA in Acting. American Conservatory Theater Location: San Francisco, CA Tuition: $26,750 per year Degree Programs: MFA in Acting California Institute of the Arts Location: Valencia, CA Tuition: $43,400 per year Degree Programs: BFA in Dance MFA in Choreography BFA, MFA, DMA in Music Performer-Composer BFA and MFA in Music Composition BFA and MFA in Jazz Studies BFA and MFA in Winds BFA and MFA in Brass BFA and MFA in Percussion BFA and MFA in Guitar BFA and MFA in Harp BFA and MFA in Piano/Keyboard BFA and MFA in Strings MFA in African Music and Dance Program MFA in Balinese and Javanese Music and Dance Program MFA in North Indian Music Program MFA in World Percussion Program BFA in World Music Program BFA and MFA in Music Technology Program: Interaction, Intelligence and Design BFA in Musical Arts Program BFA and MFA in Voice Arts BFA and MFA in Acting Program MFA in Directing Program MFA in Writing for Performance Program BFA and MFA in Scene Design Program BFA and MFA in Costume Design Program BFA and MFA in Lighting Design Program BFA and MFA in Sound Design Program BFA and MFA in Technical Direction Program BFA and MFA in Management Program CSU, Chico Location: Chico, CA Tuition: $7,022 per year (an extra $382 per unit for non-California residents) Degree Programs: BA in Theatre BA in Musical Theatre BA in General Music BA in Recording Arts BA in Music Industry CSU, Fresno Location: Fresno, CA Tuition: 0-6 units per semester $4,013 per year, 6.1+ units per semester, $6,3 per year (an extra $372 per unit for non-California residents) Degree Programs: BA in Music MA in Music BA in Theatre Arts BA in Theatre Arts (Dance Option) CSU, Fullerton Location: Fullerton, CA Tuition: $6,436 per year (did not specify non-California resident cost) Degree Programs: BA in Theatre Arts BFA in Theatre Arts MFA in Theatre Arts BA in Dance MFA in Acting MFA in Musical Theatre MFA in Design Technical Production Direction CSU, Long Beach Location: Long Beach, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $5,472, Graduate $6,738 (additional per unit charge for non-California resident) Degree Programs: Bachelor of Arts in Dance Bachelor of Arts in Dance – Option in Dance Science Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance Master of Arts in Dance Master of Fine Arts in Dance Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts Information Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts – Option in Acting Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts – Option in Technical Theatre/Design Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts – Option in Theatre Management Master of Business Administration/Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Management Bachelor of Arts in Music Bachelor of Music – Music Education: Instrumental Music and Choral-Vocal Music Options Bachelor of Music – Option in Instrumental Music Bachelor of Music – Option in Choral-Vocal Music Bachelor of Music – Options in Performance, Composition and History Literature Information Bachelor of Music – Option in Performance Bachelor of Music – Option in Composition Bachelor of Music – Option in History and Literature Master of Arts in Music Master of Music Degree CSU, LA Location: LA, CA Tuition: $6,344 per year (Resident), $15,272 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BA in Music BA in Theatre Arts and Dance BA in Theatre Arts Option BA in Dance Option BA in Theatre Arts and Dance Minor BM in Composition Option BM in Jazz Studies Option BM in Vocal Performance Option BM in Instrumental Performance Option BM in Keyboard Performance Option BM in Music Education Option BM in Commercial Music Option BM in Credential Program MA in Music MA in Theatre Arts and Dance MFA in Acting MFA in Dramatic Writing CSU, Northridge Location: Northridge, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $5,472, Graduate $6,738 (additional per unit charge for non-California resident) Degree Programs: BA in Music Education BA in Music Industry Studies BA in Music Therapy BA in Breadth Studies in Music BM in Orchestral Strings Performance BM in Classical Guitar Performance BM in Winds Brass Performance BM in Percussion Performance BM in Keyboard Performance (piano and organ) BM in Vocal Arts BM in Composition BM in Commercial and Media Writing BM in Jazz Studies MA in Music Industry Administration MM in Composition MM in Conducting (choral or instrumental) MM in Collaborative Piano MM in Instrumental MM in Organ MM in Piano MM in Voice DMA BA and MA in Theatre CSU, Stanislaus Location: Stanislaus, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $6,704, Graduate $7,970 (most likely more for non-California residents, although the website did not say) Degree Programs: BM in Music Education - Choral BM in Music Education - Instrumental BM in Instrumental Performance BM in Jazz Performance BM in Piano Performance BM in Vocal Performance BM in Composition BA in General Music BA in Music Technology BA in Theatre Humboldt State University Location: Arcata, CA Tuition: $7,152 per year Degree Programs: BA in Composition Option BA in Education Option BA in Music Studies Option BA in Performance – Instrumental Emphasis BA in Performance – Guitar Emphasis BA in Performance – Piano Emphasis BA in Performance – Vocal Emphasis BA in Theatre Arts San Diego State University Location: San Diego, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $6,976 per year (Resident), $,160 per year (non-California Resident), Graduate $8,242 per year (Resident), $13,822 per year (non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BFA in Dance BFA in Dance (BFA) BA in Dance (BA) BM in Composition BM in Jazz Studies BM in Music Education BM in Performance BM in Professional Studies BM in Professional Studies: Music Entrepreneurship and Business BM in Professional Studies: Music Recording Technology and Audio Design Bachelor of Arts in Music MA in Ethnomusicology (currently not accepting applications) MA in Musicology (currently not accepting applications) MA in Music Theory (currently not accepting applications) MA in Piano Pedagogy (currently not accepting applications) MM in Performance MM in Composition MM in Conducting MM in Jazz Studies BA in Theatre Arts MA in Theatre MFA In Design and Technical Theatre MFA In Musical Theatre San Francisco State University Location: San Francisco, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $6,476 per year (Resident), Graduate $7,742 per year (Resident) (an extra $372 per unit for non-California residents) Degree Programs: BM Music BA in Music MA in Music MM Music BA in Dance BA in Drama MA in Drama MFA in Theatre Arts San Jose State University Location: San Jose, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $7,378 per year, Graduate per year $8,644 (an extra $372 per unit for non-California residents) Degree Programs: BA in Music BM in Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Composition BM in Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Performance BM in Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Music Education BA in Creative Arts (Interdepartmental) BA in Dance BFA in Dance MA in Music BA in Theatre Arts BA in Theatre Arts, Preparation for Teaching MA in Theatre Arts Stanford University Location: Stanford, CA Tuition: Undergraduate and Graduate $45,729 per year Degree Programs: BA in Theatre Performance Studies Ph.D. in Theatre Performance Studies BA in Music MA in Music, Science and Technology Ph.D.Musicology Ph.D.Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics DMA University of California, Berkeley Location: Berkeley, CA Tuition: Undergraduates and Graduates $13,432 per year (Resident), Non-California Resident Undergraduates $38,140 per year, Non-California Resident Graduates $28,534 per year Degree Programs: BA Music MA/Ph.D. or Ph.D. in composition and scholarship BA Theatre Performance Studies BA Dance Performance Studies MA/Ph.D. in Performance Studies University of California, Davis Location: Davis, CA Tuition: $13,951 per year (Resident), $38,659 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BA in Theatre Dance BA in Music Ph.D. in Musicology Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology MA in Conducting Ph.D. in Composition and Theory MA/Ph.D. in Performance Studies MFA in Dramatic Art University of California, Irvine Location: Irvine, CA Tuition: Undergraduate and Graduate $,220.00 per year (Resident) Non-California Resident Undergraduates $35,928 per year, Non-California Resident Graduates $26,322 per year Degree Programs: B.A. Dance B.F.A. Choreography B.F.A. Performance B.A. Drama B.F.A. Music Theatre B.A. Music B.Mus. Performance M.F.A. in Dance M.F.A. in Drama, with emphasis in Acting, Directing, Design or Stage Management Ph.D. in Drama and Theatre M.F.A. in Music with emphasis in Collaborative Piano, Guitar/Lute Performance, Instrumental Performance, Piano Performance, Vocal Arts, Integrated Composition, Improvisation and Technology (ICIT), or Musicology M.A./Ph.D. in Integrated Composition, Improvisation, and Technology (ICIT) UCLA Location: Los Angeles, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $13,251 per year (Resident), $37,959 per year (Non-California Resident), Graduate approximately $15,900 per year (Resident - varies by program), approximately $31,000 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BA in Theater BA in Music MM and DMA in Performance and Conducting MA and Ph.D. in Composition MFA in Acting MFA in Design for Theatre and Entertainment Media MA in Theatre Ph.D. in Theater and Performance Studies University of California, San Diego Location: San Diego, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $13,557 per year (Resident), $38,265 per year (Non-California Resident), Graduate approximately $16,435 per year (Resident - varies by program), approximately $31,537 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BA in Music BA in Music Humanities BA in ICAM (Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts - Music) BA Theatre BA Dance BA Theatre Dance MFA in Acting MFA in Dance Theatre MFA in Design MFA in Directing MFA in Stage Management Ph.D. in Theatre and Drama MA in Music Ph.D. in Music DMA University of California, Santa Barbara Location: Santa Barbara, CA Tuition: Undergraduate and Graduate $12,240 per year (Resident), $36,948 per year (Non-California Resident), Graduate $27,342 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: BA in Theater BA in Dance BFA in Acting BFA in Dance Ph.D. in Theater Studies MA in Theater Studies BA in Music Studies BM in Keyboard BM in Strings BM in Woodwinds BM in Voice BM in Brass BM in Percussion MA and Ph.D. in Composition, Ethnomusicology, Musicology, and Theory. MM and DMA in Conducting, Keyboard, Piano Accompanying, Strings, Voice, and Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion. University of California, Santa Cruz Location: Santa Cruz, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $13,461 per year (Resident), $38,169 per year (Non-California Resident), Graduate $13,308 per year (Resident - varies by program), approximately $28,410 per year (Non-California Resident) Degree Programs: Music: M.A., D.M.A., Ph.D. Theater Arts: M.A. BA or BM in Music BA in Theater Arts University of San Diego Location: San Diego, CA Tuition: Undergraduate $44,000 per year, Graduate (varies by program, charged per unit) Degree Programs: BA in Music BA in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies MFA in Dramatic Arts University of Southern California Location: Los Angeles, CA Tuition: $49,464 per year Degree Programs: BFA in Dance BA in Theatre BFA in Acting BFA in Design BFA in Sound Design BFA in Stage Management BFA in Technical Direction BA in Visual Performing Arts MFA in Acting MFA in Dramatic Writing BA in Choral Music MM in Choral Music MM in Sacred Music DMA in Choral Music DMA in Sacred Music BA in Music (Guitar) BM in Performance (Guitar) MM in Performance (Guitar) GCRT Performance (Guitar) DMA in Performance (Guitar) BM in Composition MM in Composition DMA in Composition MM Keyboard Performance DMA in Keyboard Performance BA Music – Piano BM in Piano Performance MM in Piano Performance DMA in Piano Performance BA in Organ Music BM in Performance MM in Performance DMA in Performance BA in Strings Music BM in Double Bass Performance BM in Harp Performance BM in Violin, Viola and Cello Performance MM in Strings Performance DMA in Strings Performance BA in Vocal Arts Music BM in Vocal Performance MM in Vocal Performance DMA in Vocal Performance BA in Winds and Percussion Music BM in Winds and Percussion Performance MM in Winds and Percussion Performance DMA in Winds and Percussion Performance BA in Jazz Studies Bachelor of Arts BM in Jazz Studies MM in Jazz Studies DMA in Jazz Studies Performance BA in Popular Music Performance MM in Studio Jazz Guitar Performance DMA in Studio Jazz Guitar Performance MA in Early Music Performance DMA in Performance in Early Music Performance Ph.D. in Musicology What’s next? 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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Fundamentals of Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fundamentals of Managing People - Essay Example Wages, Training, safety, diversity, work-life balance as well as health and wellness are some of the core employee priorities. When these are fulfilled, quality output is guaranteed. Additionally, when this delicate balance is attained, employees are able to foster team spirit among themselves as well as loyalty to their employees. Employers on the other hand will experience lower employee turnover rates which eventually lead to reduced profits (Hall, 2003:46). Work life balance is an essential part of the puzzle because every employee has a family and friends outside the employment scope. Many an employee has left their jobs because it does not adequately cater for this particular need. Changed Employee Priorities A decade or so ago, the highest priority for most employees was developing their careers. Today, the tips of the scale have changed. Most employees are more interested in having both a family and a good career and most would leave a job owing to reasons related to work lif e balance (Palundi, 2012:77). It is essential for one to pursue achievement and joy in not only the job but also in one’s personal sphere. Enjoyment in this case means pride, celebration, happiness, a general sense of well being and satisfaction in the job that they do. This has in turn led various companies in the globe to offer competitive packages that offer flexible practices concerning work-life practices. Paid work and family care are the most essential elements of work family balance. However, work-life also includes education, volunteering and recreation. Work-life allows employees to share their time with both the job and their family and still produce quality results. Employers need to understand that work-life balance is important to the employee. However, the employee also has a role to play in ensuring that his needs are met so that his productivity is optimal. It is the employee’s chief responsibility to ensure that he congratulates himself on work well d one and keeps motivating himself (Hall, 2003:79). In addition, it is up to him to give himself a break when he deserves one. He also needs to set boundaries between his professional and personal lives. The management and the employees have to agree on a program that will enhance a positive balance of the two. In a recent study, it was estimated that in every five employees, two are not satisfied with the balance between their private lives and the professional ones. Long working hours, long commutes, increased pressure at work, changing demographics and the deterioration of boundaries between work and life are some of the contributing factors to the dissatisfaction. Employers who ignore this vital element in their employees’ lives will experience high turnover rates, unhappy employees as well as low morale. All employees need to realize that their employees are more interested in assistance programs to better their loves holistically more that monetary compensation (Marchingt on and Wilkinson, 2005:135) It goes without saying there it is not possibly to achieve a perfect balance between work and life. Once cannot be able to schedule equal number of hours to all the many aspects of work and life (Beauregard, 2009:83). Trying to do this will frustrate the employee since it will end up being both unrealistic as well as unrewarding. Additionally, it is worth noting that the balance will keep varying as time progresses, even as little as on an everyday basis. For example, the balance that used
Monday, February 3, 2020
Assessment and Decision Making in Nursing Essay
Assessment and Decision Making in Nursing - Essay Example It can be stated that decision making is one of the chief elements of the nursing work which is quite significant to comprehend since organisations discover cost effective ways for the purpose of delivering quality healthcare (Boblin-Cummings & Et. Al., 1999). Clinical decision making is also termed as clinical reasoning, clinical inference, clinical judgment as well as diagnostic reasoning. However, the authors Hardy & Smith further suggest being careful regarding their interchangeability when others are making use of the same activity. Clinical decision making can be explained as the procedure through which informed judgment can be made regarding the treatment that is necessary for their patients (Hardy & Smith, 2008). Legal Consideration And Ethical and Moral Conflicts In Respiratory Nursing A respiratory nurse has to deal with the patients suffering from lung diseases. The respiratory nurses are supposed to effectively work with the patients belonging to all the ages in order to promote good health of the lungs. The patients who are suffering from adverse lung conditions need to be placed on ventilators or served with oxygen machines so that they can be assisted with breathing (Rafferty, n.d.). It is to be mentioned that most of the times the ethical responsibilities of the respiratory nurses conflict with the legal considerations in providing such care services. For instance, the role of the respiratory nurses is quite complementary to that of the respiratory physicians. In the recent times, with the widening of the scope of the respiratory nurses, independent clinical decisions in the provision of care and medical management of the respiratory patients is being made by the respiratory nurses. The main responsibility of the respiratory nurses lies in taking clinical de cisions and in performing the requisite technical skills. However, the ultimate responsibility lies with the respiratory physicians (Rafferty, n.d.). For the development of the rules and the regulations regarding the drugs to be prescribed to the patients by the respiratory nurses without the references of the medical doctors, there is not any legal or professional barriers until and unless such rules and regulations meet the legal requirements and is supported by consultant medical staff. In this regard, it can be mentioned that such administration of the drugs for the patients need to have a legal, managerial as well as social support and needs to be accepted practise (Rafferty, n.d.). There are various legal responsibilities that the respiratory nurses are supposed to possess. The respiratory nurses who have obtained registration needs to ensure that their practices and conducts at nursing are according to the standards that has been set and thus meets the legal requirements. It can be stated that the registered respiratory nurses are held responsible for their own action most of the time. They are further responsible for participation in the activities through which the quality could be improved. It is the duty of the registered nurses to evaluate their practices on a continuous basis
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Relationship Between Microfinance And Nigerias Economic Growth Economics Essay
Relationship Between Microfinance And Nigerias Economic Growth Economics Essay ABSTRACT Microfinance has over the years been associated with eradicating poverty, and consequently improving the standard of living of the less privileged members of a society, and rubbing on positively on the nations economy. This dissertation aims at exploring the impact microfinance has on economic growth, considering a specific case of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Due to the fact that this area of study has not witnessed so much research in the past, this work seeks to come up with an approach where the different links between microfinance and economic growth can be discovered and studied. Since most societies, especially the developing ones usually experience the presence of two types of financial system, the formal and the informal one under which microfinance falls, this will also be taken into consideration. The first hypothesis to be considered has to do with the micro level and this examines the relationship between microfinance and the financial system. The Second hypothesis h as to do with the macro level and examines the relationship between the financial system and economic growth, while the third one links the previous two, by checking the relationship between microfinance and economic development. Keywords: Microfinance; Economic Growth; Financial System; Nigeria INTRODUCTION Microfinance Institutions are financial organisations licensed to provide micro-savings, micro-credit, and micro-insurance in an economy. They operate in the informal sector of the financial system and are the major source of fund-provider for the medium, small and micro-enterprises. The basics of microfinance is the fact that the poor cannot access a loan from a bank of any reasonable commercial source, that is why Microfinance Institutions go out to the villages, meet with the poor who are encouraged to form an association, they give them micro-credits and sometimes even give them trainings to help them make the best use of the loan accessed (Mohammed and Hasan, 2008). The methodology used by most micro-finance institutions to make loan is that they gather people into trust groups and meet weekly. These groups assume joint liability and joint guarantee on loans extended to any member of the trust unit and this invariably helps in reducing incidence of defaults and bad loans. Most Micro-Finance Institutions enjoy a high repayment rate. It should also be noted that majority of microfinance customers are women who also make up a greater percentage of the worlds poor, and also experience a very high rate of unemployment; and sadly in most cases are responsible for providing for and taking care of their families. Nigeria with a GDP-real growth rate of 5 %( 2009 est.), remains a major player in the African economy but her population of about 149, 299,090(sourced from CIA-The world fact book), which is the largest in Africa, has about half of it living in poverty. However, since the introduction of microfinance in the country, an increase has been noticed both in the growth of the economy and also in the increase in number of microfinance institutions. The Central Bank of Nigeria is saddled with the responsibility of issuing banking license and supervision of banks in the country, Micro-finance Institutions inclusive. LITERATURE REVIEW Microfinance, through its provision of financial services to the poor can influence economic growth by encouraging savings, giving out loans for feasible investments, provision of free advisory services to new clients on how best to invest, and also to those with long standing relationship, on how to increase the marginal productivity of capital (Pagano, 1993). A lot of studies have been carried out on the relationship between financial development and economic growth. King and Levine(1993) are in support of the view that financial development leads to economic growth and in their visit on Joseph Schumpeters work pointed out that banking institution through their provision of funds for productive investments are of great importance to economic growth(Schumpeter, 1911 cited in King and Levine, 1993). Greenwood and Jovanovic(1990) suggested that the relationship between financial development and economic growth is mutual, while Khan,(1999) who is of a similar opinion explains further that economic growth create financial development which in turns helps in sustaining the growth. Qayyum et al.,(2007?) are of the opinion that direct finance has a significant positive relationship with economic growth. The availability of funds to the poor increases production and output, this also leads to an increases in the demand for more financial services (micro-savings and micro-insurance), which positively affects financial development and sets the economy on the path of growth(Khan, 2008).It can then be said that availability of funds generates enterprise, enterprise generates finance flow, finance flow generates financial development, while financial development generates economic growth. De Gregorio and Guidotti(1995) also argued that financial development leads to improved economic growth, especially when funds are efficiently invested. However, Kemal, et al.,(2004) do not regard finance(micro-finance inclusive) as an important determinant of economic growth and Lucas(1988) even referred to it as overstressed, while Levine(1997) sees financial institutions as more harmful to a nations economic growth. This led to a call for redefinition and the use of appropriate measure of estimation of the relationship between financial development and economic growth and development of financial intermediaries by Bencivenga and Smith(1991). The main objective of Microfinance is to raise income, by encouraging private sector activity through the provision of micro-credit to micro and small scale entrepreneurs ((Aghion and Morduch, 2000)). In a study conducted by Chua et al.,(2000), they noticed that the impact of microfinance services on income and consumption is dependent on the initial endowment of the household and the length of time they have been clients of the institution. It is also affected by how efficient they are in the management of the sourced resource and also the profitability of the sector they invest in. Availability of Social amenities and a cheaper source of factors of production also influence income. According to Akanji (2002), the poor make effective use of the credit facilities and not only are they willing to pay the high interest rate on loan, they also in no time make enough returns to run a savings account with the MFI. It should also be noted that the conversion of the poor who were formerly economic liabilities into profit making micro-entrepreneurs have a positive impact on the financial system and consequently begins the process of economic growth by bring its full physical and human resources into productive use (Kamath, 2008). METHODOLOGY Not many literature are available as regard the relationship between microfinance and economic growth, therefore the study will rely much on theoretical framework in order to understand the link between microfinance and economic growth. Both Primary and Secondary sources of data will be used and Questionnaires will be sent out to have a direct feedback from the beneficiary of the scheme while previous studies and findings as regards the Nigerian economy will also be put into use in order to determine a theoretical association between Microfinance and Economic Growth. It should be noted that the two main variables in this dissertation is Microfinance and Economic growth. The choice of Nigeria as a case study was borne out of the fact that the country has recently had its microfinance regulations tuned to enable it play its role in serving its targeted market effectively. An increase in the growth of microfinance institutions in the country has also made them better established and competitive, giving the erstwhile neglected micro-entrepreneurs a choice. The relationship between financial system and economic growth will be first examined and in the second part, microfinance, alongside its associated theories will be explored to determine their impact on Economic Growth. The third part will be about examining the impact of theoretical macro-level effect on the case study, which is Nigeria. Its effect on the case study will help in reshaping the theoretical framework which will be the basis for conclusion. To determine the impact of Microfinance on economic growth, micro credit disbursement from 2000 to 2009 will be analyzed using both non-parametric and parametric test methods. The parametric test involves regressing the dependent variable (GDP from 2000-2009) against the explanatory variable (micro-credit disbursements) to ascertain if its significant and provide explanatory power for economic growth. While the Chi-square method of non-parametric test will be used to examine the questionnaire to determine if there is any association between Microfinance and economic growth. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES This Objective of this dissertation to answer the following questions: Is there a relationship between microfinance and Nigerias economic growth between 2000-2009? Does investment of micro-credit into commerce contribute more to economic growth than other sectors? Does microfinance have an effect on the financial system? Does an increase in the number of Microfinance Institutions result to an increase in economic growth? POTENTIAL PROBLEM The potential problems envisaged in this research work is the availability of data from microfinance institutions in Nigeria as a large number of them do not have access to the internet and so do not post their information online. This brings about another problem, which is the distance between my place of study and the location of the case study. The relative scarcity of research on this area of study also creates a problem of limited materials. However, I have devised solutions for each of the problem. Most of my materials will be sourced from the Microfinance Unit of the Other-Financial -Institutions department of the Central Bank of Nigeria, as they have unhindered access to records of every Microfinance Institution operating in Nigeria. Most of my materials will be sent online while I will make use of a cheap and reliable courier service for my questionnaires. Also, the available materials online will be coupled with those sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Library and Dat a collected on the MFIs. RESOURCES REQUIRED The main resources needed are data on Nigerias GDP, list of MFIs presently operating, records of loan disbursement by MFIs, records of total amount set aside for Small and Medium Scale Enterprise by the nations commercial banks. All of these will be sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria, while Past Studies and other literature will be freely assessed through the school library. The Questionnaires will be sent through mail and returned through courier. Estimated cost at conclusion is  £250, which includes cost of printing and binding, as well as courier cost. WORKPLAN ITEM PARTICULARS NOTES TIME FRAME 1. Dissertation Proposal Submission May 5, 2010 2. Literature review Sourcing of materials and review of literature July 4- 16, 2010 3. Submission of preliminary literature review to my supervisor, and making suggested corrections June 17- 20, 2010 4. Methodology Reading on Methodology and structuring of theoretical framework June 20- 24, 2010 5. Submission of proposed methodology to supervisor, and making suggested amendments. July 25-June 28, 2010 6. Questionnaire Devise Questionnaire June 29-30, 2010 7. Submission of questionnaire to supervisor, and making suggested amendments July 1-5 2010 8. Questionnaire distribution July 6, 2010 9. Collection of all other needed data and further review of past literature July 7-20 2010 10 Collection of questionnaires and analysis of findings July 21- 25, 2010 11. Data Analysis July 26- 30, 2010 12. Interpretation of Findings. August 1-5, 2010 13. Formulation of Conclusion August 6-10,2010 14. Abstract, and appendix and referenced materials arrangement August 11- 15 15. Updating and Review Review with Supervisor August 16-20, 2010 16. Self review and amendment August 21-25, 2010 17. Final review with supervisor and proof-reading August 26-28,2010 18. Printing and Binding Printing and Binding August 29, 2010 19. Submission Submission at the PG office September 2, 2010. EXPECTED OUTPUT The output, which is the conclusion of this dissertation, is expected to help the Government in its activities aimed at the nations economic development. It will also guide them in effective channeling of resources aimed at poverty alleviation. MFI administrators will also benefit from this work as it will help them in making decisions on how to enlarge their area of coverage and to also record higher returns through provision of other services. Donor Agencies and International institutions will also discover opportunities for helping in the economic growth and empowering the poor. Lastly, this study is expected to pilot other studies in this area and form a basis on which other people discover more efficient and effective ways of making microfinance have a lasting positive impact on economic growth.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Hilti cut or Fasten? Essay
This case review was executed about a case study that was discussed in class on the operations of Hilti and its surroundings – Hilti is a global corporation based in Lichtenstein that is a market leader in drills, saws and fastening products. The analysis looks at the development of Hilti ever since it was founded, and the different strategies which have been implemented to get them to where they are now. For a company that has been very successful which is now going through a period of recession, with sales decreasing which has been caused by a global financial crisis – a question for the CEO whether to hold fast and risk an investment loss, or cut costs to reduce the impact of a drop in profits. This report will provide an idea of Hilti’s current strategies and will look at the key strategic issues both internally and externally, and in conclusion will provide recommendations for what the CEO at Hilti should do moving forward. Hilti’s Business Strategy – Current The Current Business Strategy for Hilti has been quite successful since Michael Hilti took over from his father. Michael introduced the Champion 3C’s (Customer, Competence and Concentration) strategy in order to measure performance both internally and externally and saw the importance for a focus on the customers (external) and the product ranging (internal). â€Å"Hilti has set itself the goal of being a great company. The priorities set to achieve it are growth, differentiation, productivity and employee development†(Hilti Annual Report 2008) After conducting a Porters Generic Value Chain Analysis (Appendix C) it can be seen that the HR strategy in place at Hilti is very strong and must be working well. This finding can lead to assume that this strategy allows the company successfully look after their customers needs, being able to attract the right employees into the firm who bring along a positive attitude, good values and knowledgeable expertise. Eventually this will allow them â€Å"†¦to convert distinctive competence into competitive advantage†(Andrews, 1987). Hilti is known for utilising the most innovative technology and makes this a key focus during its R&D phase on emerging particular products. This helps Hilti to meet the company’s value proposition when the 2 pillars of ‘Customers’ and ‘Competence are also met (See Appendix 2). Looking at the analysis from Appendix 2 – It is highlighted that there are a number of resources that the company can influence to strive a competitive advantage. The value is added to the firm by aligning its strong value proposition with its strategy Strategic Issues (Internal/External Analysis) Unfortunately Hilti is currently challenged with a few strategic issues as the company is confronted with the current economic downslide. To identify the strategic issues both internal and external analysis was conducted by using the Business system tool (De Wit & Meyer 2010) which breaks down the resources and capabilities, activity system and their product offering (Appendix 1); Barneys VRIE model was used to assess the value, rareness, imitability and exploitation of key resources/capabilities (Barney 1995), Porters Five Forces model (Porter, 1985) was used to view the competitive environment and lastly a value chain analysis was conducted by means of Porters Generic Value Chain Analysis (Porter, 1985). Looking at the VRIE model (Value, Rareness, Inimitability & Exploitable) shown in Appendix 2 – although there are many resources and capabilities that Hilti does capture well for a competitive advantage, however when a closer look is taken you are able to see that there are many resources and capabilities which can be easily copied by a similar firm within the industry which leads to suggest that Hilti may possibly be able to be more competitive in its strategy. The findings from the VRIE are reinforced from Porters Supply Chain Analysis and the Business System Tool Model; as Hilti has built long-lasting customer relationships from being within the industry over a long period of time. From Porters Five Forces analysis in Appendix 3, it is evident that Hiltis’ surrounding environment is ever-evolving and fast moving and to stay and remain competitive in this field Hilti must keep up and with its research and product development to keep improving with innovation and technology. By staying ahead, continuously evaluating and improving Hitli can outperform competitors within the industry. Hilti is confronted with the following issues: Without a stable economy the value created may not be as effective within the industry – See Appendix 1) because if consumers don’t have the financial capacity to spend, then value to the consumer may change. Hilti must keep up or ahead with the innovation and technology that competitors are using within the industry – by looking at a sales approach from a social media sense, moving into E-business and shop-in-shop) as the current direct sales method is becoming out-dated. Hilti must look at aligning its Internal and external strategies as the economic crisis caused a decline in sales because customers were not confident to spend during this period (external), for this reason Hilti must work on improving its internal strategies such as HR, R&D, Sales etc Strategic Options and Recommendations The misfit gap between Hilti’s internal and external strategies increases over time and this gap needs to be reduced. For this to occur, Hilti must go through a process of strategic renewal. The below chart illustrates how strategic drift increases over a period of time, and only when strategic renewal strategies are implemented can this gap be decreased. Strategic Renewal Process De Wit & Meyer, 2010 Due to the changing nature and constant fluctuations within the strategic drift, regular strategies must be implemented to minimise the size of this gap. The Strategic integration Model (Fuchs et al, 2000) states the desire to make sure that all strategies complement each other. Many internal and external factors affect the strategic drift, such as competitors. These factors require Hilti to utilise and capitalise on techniques which are evolutionary, else the decline or delayed absence will be detrimental. After reviewing the above analysis the following recommendations are made; New innovative networks with the introduction of E-Business sector to make sure the sales strategy is getting out to as many potential customers as possible Authorise management to be able to make small changes immediately (revolutionary) – this will in order to keep costs down and increase profits Keep evolutionary changes to a low when it comes to the activity system to maintain the key attributes Keep employee levels at where they are now – disrupting this will affect the morale. The idea is to maintain a positive work culture and relaxed environment. The HR strategy should change to make sure no additional people are hired, instead the attention should be on growing and improving the current employees – this is to set the company up, so when the market recovers the company is in a better position. If these above recommendations are applied – Hilti can increase its competitive advantage and in turn alleviate the effects of the current Global Financial Crises. This will set Hilti up so eventually when the market does recover, the company will be stable and ready. Appendix 1: Business System Model Appendix 2: VRIE – Value, Rareness, Imitability & Exploitable Appendix 3: Porters 5 Forces Analysis Source: Porters 5 Forces: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_08.html Appendix 4: Value Chain Analysis The Generic Value Chain (Porter, 1985), (De Wit & Meyer, 2010) Primary Activities Support Activities Hilti Annual Report 2008, De Wit & Meyer 2010. Reference List Andrews, K, 1987, The Concept of Corporate Strategy, McGraw Hill, Chapter 2. Barney, JB, (1995), Looking inside for competitive advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 9 (4), 49-61. De Wit, B. & Meyer, R.J.H. (2004), Strategy – Process, Content and Context: An International Perspective, 3rd edition, London: Thomson De Wit, B. & Meyer, R.J.H. (2010), Strategy – Process, Content and Context: An International Perspective, 4th edition, London: Thomson Fuchs, P., Mifflin, K., Miller, D. & Whitney, J. (2000). Strategic integration: competing in the age of capabilities. California Management Review, 42 (3), pp.118-147 Hilti Annual Report 2008 – Viewed online 30th July 2013 http://www.hilti.com/fstore/holcom/LinkFiles/Unternehmensbericht_2008_en.pdf Porter, ME (1985), Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance, Free Press, New York Porter Five Forces model – Viewed online 31st July 2013 http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_08.html
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